”I’d rather have the want of you. The rich, elusive taunt of you.”

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I’m happy to report that this book doesn’t end in a cliffhanger but is a “to be continued” type of ending. Readers will also be thrilled to know that this book is told in alternating POVs of both Chere and W. Yes, it’s two and a half years later but W is around in the shadows.

<b><i>”Chere thought the worst thing between us was the leaving. She was wrong. The worst thing was what I had started wanting from her by the end, what I still wanted from her with inappropriate intensity: her tears and misery, her trembling surrender, and my selfish perversity unhinging her soul.”</b></i>

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W is one hell of an intense guy. He has had a hand in Chere’s life over the past few years but has remained hidden. Chere is ready to graduate art and design school, has made a friend and has been frequently BDSM clubs trying to figured out her relationship with W. When it appears that Chere may move on, W can’t help put surface in her life. Oh yeah, you’ll find out W’s name, his occupation and some of his sick fantasy’s in this book.

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It must be mentioned that W is one sick sadist and he can say and do some pretty demeaning things. Still, this story always feels like so much more than a sex book. The heroine is crazy likable, and hero is an assortment of adjectives from alluring to scary. I thought the writing was just as strong as the previous book. I loved the struggle on both main characters parts to at first stick to business, learn to trust, and finding out where they go once “I love you” is mentioned?

<b><i>”For me the next step was harder sex and deeper pain, and more frequent sessions. It was a collar, and my dungeon. For her, the next step was love and caring, and interconnectedness… She needed to realize I wasn’t some fairy tale prince.”</b></i>

This was a good installment that clears up a ton of questions readers had from reading the first book. The intensity of these two together hasn’t diminished one bit.

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