Fire: The Elemental Series

Author: Belle Manuel

ISBN: 9780692446423

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Chelsea and Chad are twin elementals; humans born with the power to control and shape the elements. They, and many other elementals, are forced to hide their powers as many non-elementals fear them, especially fire-starters like Chelsea.

The twins are only just learning true command of their powers, and what they can do. At university, Chelsea joins a fire-starter training course and trains hard to control the powerful flames that rage within her, often out of her control. She struggles to prove to herself that she can harness and control both her power and her mind.

Meanwhile, Chad is a water-bringer who is honing his rare and deadly ability, but has placed himself under the authority of dangerous people who aim to use his powers for their own sinister agenda.

When the two reunite, they are forced to choose sides.

As tidal waves of power demolish entire cities, and bring the storm clouds of destruction to the Houston skyline, a war is coming . . . And it's time to find out where allegiances lie.

Chelsea and Chad's decisions will forever change the world around them, so what will they choose?


Chad’s anger was growing as we drove on, forcing the temperature in the car to drop lower and lower. I knew if I tried to heat it up, he’d just get angry, so I forced myself to ignore it as best as I could. If I closed my eyes, I could see all of the events unfold in front of me again. I could see the fire raging through the upstairs hallway, burning every ounce of memories away. I could hear my father’s voice telling us to hurry out of the house, so calm and steady. I could see my father placing his hand to the random outlets in the house as we ran out, setting them ablaze without a thought. I could smell the smoke as it rose throughout the house, making it hard to see as Chad and I ran down the stairs and out the door.

I’d gotten out of the house a full two minutes before Chad had. I thought that he’d fallen and I had left him behind. But he had burst through the front door, flames on his heels and plastic bag in his hand. It was a small sandwich sized bag with a big wad of money resting inside of it. Then we’d heard the sirens, and Chad somehow knew what to do. I did what he said and ran to his truck, jumped in and waited.

We finally pulled off the highway and I realized where we were going: Steve’s house. My heart skipped a beat and I finally relaxed. We were going to our backup home, to safety. I looked at the cookie-cutter houses, towering in their red-bricked glory. Then Steve’s house came into view. This was the home that Chad and I would flock to when our dad would work late. Steve wasn’t like us, but he was a good friend of Chad’s who didn’t judge us for our secrets. His parents liked us enough that we had spent the night over there quite a bit when we were younger. And within the last few months, Steve and I had secretly grown closer. But now, Chad and I were on the run. I had ruined everything.

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  • Fiction
  • Fantasy (Fiction)
  • Romance (Fiction)
  • Teen & Young Adult (Fiction)


  • Magic Gone Wrong (Fantasy (Fiction))
  • Spells & Magic (Fantasy (Fiction))
  • Brothers Best Friend (Romance (Fiction))


  • Assassins (Fiction)


  • Modern World (Fiction)
  • Urban (Fiction)
  • Modern (Fantasy (Fiction))

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